Buying a new house? Have an office that just feels yucky? Just have a hard week and you can still feel it in your home? Negative energy can linger anywhere - curtains, clothes, and people. Here are my favorite tips for clearin' out that crappy feeling from whatever it is. Some of these apply only to spaces, but others you can use to clear your own energy too.Â
Ah, The Law of Attraction, which I could easily rename The Law of Confusion, is often a point of discussion in my private sessions with clients.
I first heard about it years ago when the popular movie, The Secret, was released. But in an effort to make the movie mainstream, I think it lost so much of its appeal to those like me – that didn’t want to necessarily be a magnet for millions of dollars, but simply a happy and healthy life. It was too fantastical….and, cheesy.Â
So, I bought the more authentic-feeling books by Esther and Jerry Hicks who share their teachings of The Law of Attraction. Esther and Jerry get their teachings from Abraham, a group of channeled entities. Whoa. At that point in my life, it was so insanely over my head, I wrote it off as bullshit. All I could think were things like….
Insomnia is a huge issue for many people. Let’s face it, there are few things that suck more than not sleeping, right? Because I’ve gotten so many requests to share ideas on the topic, I thought I’d share just a few quick tips to get you started on a better night’s sleep. Imbalanced energy is a pattern so do these each evening to reset the pattern.
Do you know self-healing is the most powerful kind of healing? It sends signals to our body that we are not helpless and that we are safe. This alone can be more healing than any medicine or treatment. Our bodies are literally built to heal themselves and when we connect with that primal ability, all kinds of awesome things can happen. My life (and health!) completely changed when I started depending less on doctors and practitioners and more on me.
Muscle testing is an incredible way of getting answers from your subconscious mind. There are so many emotional energies that might be linked to our issues, and this is a tool that can help you figure them out faster. Once you know what they are, you can go to work clearing them with energy therapy techniques.
The most important thing with muscle testing is becoming a master at the right questions to ask, and asking them clearly.
Make sure to state your issue clearly and concisely in the blanks. Example: "my chronic headaches" or "my fear of heights."
I know, this article already is the opposite of what you want to hear, right? I've been through it so I totally get it. Physical and emotional illness are processes; and so is healing. Both parts of the journey, the getting sick and the getting well, are equal parts of something hugely important. Something, for some reason you probably don't see yet, you are meant to live through.
But, there truly is a a silver lining to the suffering. You just have to open your heart enough to consider accepting it.
In my book This Is How I Save My Life, I explain:
" finally realize that your illness was more than just years of suffering. It was the metamorphosis into that which you were always meant to be. If we try to force the process, we are not taking the journey of full healing."
As much as we all want to attain perfect health, there are so many experiences and growth opportunities we'd miss if not for illness and emotional "suffering." There are so many people, places and things that ...
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), sometimes known as "meridian tapping" or "acupressure tapping" is one of my favorite energy therapy techniques - especially for clients to do at home. I'm all for self-healing! I personally can't imagine where my health would be without EFT. I know there are many forms of "tapping" but I have found the points used in the traditional Emotional Freedom Technique founded by Gary Craig, to be most effective.
EFT employs gentle tapping on face and body points while integrating specific wording about negative emotions or events into the routine. This helps balance the body's energy in relationship to that charged emotional issue. This is a basic explanation, but you can visit my EFT Resources page to find out exactly how EFT works.
This technique was one that I picked up very quickly, even before getting professional training. I very intuitively lead my clients through tapping with excellent results - even some "one session wonders!" I always encourage cl...
Repeating positive affirmations is a concept I love and similarly to visualizations, it changes so many lives. Affirmations and visualizations are an amazing self-help tool for many people. But for another group of people, it can actually seem to make things worse. Why?
The idea behind an affirmation of any kind (verbal or visual) is that you are affirming positive thoughts or images — things that you’d like to be in alignment with. What can happen though, if every time you focus on something positive, the OPPOSITE comes up (either consciously or subconsciously)? This is something I refer to as the “yeah, but’s…” or “tail enders” of an affirmation.
Some examples are:
So, by repeating positive affirmations, we can actually be repeating (e...
I first learned about stuck emotions in the body from the work of Dr. Candace B. Pert, author of Molecules of Emotion. In the book, she writes about how unprocessed emotions in the body actually become stuck affecting a person's entire system.
My other research led to finding that all the organs, tissues and cells in the body have an energetic frequency. Negative emotions and negative thoughts have a different energetic frequency than healthy cells and tissue. Because of that, they can distort the organs, tissues and cells that surround wherever they're stored in the body.
When the energetic frequency of the body gets too low, disease has a perfect environment to live in!
So simply put, you can improve your health by making your body an environment where disease can't thrive. Releasing trapped negative emotions is the best way I know how to start letting that self-healing body of yours do its job! And releasing trapped negative emoti...
What Happens During the Flight, Fight or Freeze Response?
When we become threatened, we experience a surge of chemicals designed to allow us to survive through whatever the event is. The physiological effects are increased adrenaline, acceleration of heart and lung action, shaking, dilation of pupils and more. Cortisol, known as the "stress hormone," is an integral part of our body's "fight, flight or freeze" response. The fight, flight or freeze response is essentially a state of acute stress. While stress is usually seen as a negative, it is beneficial if we need the surge of chemicals to help us fight, flight or freeze to avoid danger. However, it is only useful in short bursts. Many of us get caught in this perpetual state, never releasing it from our system and returning to normal, or homeostasis.
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