5 Positive Healing Affirmations That Actually Work

Many of you know I’m not a huge fan of the standard positive affirmations out there, because for some people, they can actually make things worse. (Read how in my article Why Positive Affirmations Can Make Things Worse).

BUT, all hope is not lost as far as using positive healing affirmations for a successful self-help tool. Affirmations are most effective when they hold some type of truth or resonance for you. For instance, the affirmation “I am healthy and full of energy” is a great idea, but can cause subconscious resistance if you don’t actually feel that way. It’s most likely a far reach from where you currently are, or you probably wouldn’t even be trying to use an affirmation like this, right?

When I was healing from chronic Lyme disease and other autoimmune conditions, I read so many positive healing affirmation books that ended up in a pile on the floor. While I understood the concept, the affirmations were just too “out there” and unattainable for me. I needed a way to “inch...

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3 Answers to the “Why Me?” Question That Will Soothe Your Soul

Oh it's not easy, I know. Trying to figure it all out and still keep the faith that it'll all be okay. I went through this myself for 8+ years so I completely get it (read my story here). I must have asked myself a million times that looming question: Why me? Why I wasn't healing, why I couldn't just take Vitamin B like the girl I met in the doctor's office waiting room that told me it was her miracle cure, why meditate and make it all go away?

I've learned that for some of us it just doesn't work that way.

Here are three answers to the "Why Me?" question that'll soothe your soul.

Why Me? #1

Because some of us are just meant to take these long, winding journeys that force us to come back to ourselves.

We need to break open, break out, break down, and then rebuild into a space that feels better to us than we would have ever done without massive challenge. Let's face it -- we're the type who would have just kept pushing through if not for a roadblock the size of Mt. Rainer, right? Y...

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3 Energy Medicine Tips to Ease Insomnia

Insomnia is a huge issue for many people. Let’s face it, there are few things that suck more than not sleeping, right? Because I’ve gotten so many requests to share ideas on the topic, I thought I’d share just a few quick tips to get you started on a better night’s sleep. Imbalanced energy is a pattern so do these each evening to reset the pattern.

Energy Medicine Exercises To Help You Sleep:

  1. Calm your “fight or flight” response
    Take one hand and put the pad of your pointer finger and thumb together (so you’re making a ring shape). Make the same shape with your other hand. Gently place each at your temples. Allow the rest of your fingers to fall lightly onto your forehead. Hold this pose as you take deep breaths for a minute or so. This helps calm the “fight or flight” response in your body that is triggered during stress. Hold it for as long as you want.
  2. Pull energy out of your head
    Sometimes, there is too much energy in your head and it needs to be pulled down into the rest of you
  3. ...
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Why Positive Affirmations Can Make Things Worse

Repeating positive affirmations is a concept I love and similarly to visualizations, it changes so many lives. Affirmations and visualizations are an amazing self-help tool for many people. But for another group of people, it can actually seem to make things worse. Why?

The idea behind an affirmation of any kind (verbal or visual) is that you are affirming positive thoughts or images — things that you’d like to be in alignment with. What can happen though, if every time you focus on something positive, the OPPOSITE comes up (either consciously or subconsciously)? This is something I refer to as the “yeah, but’s…” or “tail enders” of an affirmation.

Some examples are:

  • I am thin and beautiful……yeah, but that’s not true, I’m fat!
  • I will succeed….yeah, but I’m afraid then I’ll be too busy and I don’t want that.
  • I choose to release my anger toward Bob…..yeah, but no I don’t, because then he’ll be off the hook!

So, by repeating positive affirmations, we can actually be repeating (e...

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