Trying To Heal Too Fast Won't Work (And May Actually Stall You)

Uncategorized May 07, 2012

Without fail, every one of my clients eventually asks me, "So, how long does this healing process take?" When you've been sick or dealing with a problem for a long time, you want it over with....NOW. Trust me, I get it. But, healing fast isn't necessarily the best way to heal.

I believe the deep, full healing we all want to experience is a gentle, winding path of retracing what got us to this dis-eased (either physical or emotional) space in the first place. It is exactly how I healed myself from chronic health issues, and how I help clients heal using energy therapy techniques.

Although I only work with the energetic emotional component of healing, because our mind and body is so so inter-connected, one cannot be looked at separately from another. You have to consider, if you've manifested symptoms in the physical body, the original imbalance has been there far longer than the symptoms that finally caught your attention.

How Energy Therapy Helps you Heal Fully

  • Releases all that
  • ...
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Are You Too Scared To Heal? You Might Be Surprised

Uncategorized May 01, 2012

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." - Marianne Williamson

This is one of the most powerful quotes I know. And, it is something that eventually gets discussed when I work with my clients. Many of us are not scared of failure, but scared of what we would become, how our lives would change, and who we would lose....if we didn't stop ourselves from finding out who we really are and just how big we could be.

Illness is one of the most "convenient" roadblocks for allowing us to have to permission to "live small," not surpass our friends or spouses, or not feel visible in a world that may feel unsafe. Many people become defensive at the idea that their illness is serving them in some way. But the ones who can eventually consider this, open up a whole new world of healing for themselves. I know I absolutely did when I was struggling with health problems. In fact, if...

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Negative Emotional Patterns in Chronic Lyme Disease (and Other Chronic Conditions)

Uncategorized Apr 10, 2012

Working with so many different types of clients, I am always finding common threads in the emotional patterns I see.

Because I had chronic Lyme disease and about 50% of my clients have it, I thought it might be useful to outline some of the common emotional denominators I see with this dis-ease. I also see these with other chronic physical manifestations that involve the immune system. However, they are always part of what I work with when seeing a client with chronic Lyme disease who hasn't been making any progress in their treatment.


How These Affect Us

Unresolved emotional issues and negative emotional patterns can put a huge stress on the immune system, which can allow a disease to take over. Our immune systems are our bodies greatest protection.

Stress hormones has been found to inhibit the production of cytokines, the agents of the immune system that responds to danger. This causes these cells to overreact and create an inflammatory response that is over the top, often cre...

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Psychological Reversals: How Limiting Beliefs Could Be Keeping You Sick

Uncategorized Mar 09, 2012

Awhile back, ago we talked about what many professionals refer to as "psychological reversals" in the form of an upside to your illness. "Psychological reversals" was a term coined by psychologist Dr. Roger Callahan who discovered Thought Field Therapy. These reversals occur when one part of us wants to change (the conscious part of us) but the other part does not want to change (either energetic or subconscious). It's simply, a form of resistance. No matter what the reversal is from, energy therapy has been shown to be really effective at clearing these blocks to progress. From the last post, we understand how having an upside to your illness, or wanting to keep it at some level.

Now we're going to talk about the second type of psychological reversal I see most:

Harmful Beliefs.

These come up even if you don't have a physical condition, too. Harmful beliefs can be a big and important factor in a life pattern or emotional problem you can't overcome.  Some examples would be overeatin...

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The Upside To Your Illness

Uncategorized Mar 05, 2012

Have you tried everything to get better? Is nothing working? Do you sometimes start to get better and then suddenly have a flare or attack of your symptoms?

If this is you, there is a good chance your subconscious is trying to stop you from getting over whatever your problem is. Yep, that's right! Simply put, you could be blocking not only your treatment efforts, but your own healing altogether. This happens because your subconscious is so smart, it is actually trying to protect you from something it thinks is worse than whatever you're going through. The key is doing work to find out what that is. Energy therapy has been shown to be really effective at clearing these blocks.

There are two major reasons I see for these emotional blocks, often called "psychological reversals." The term "psychological reversals" was coined by psychologist Roger Callahan, who discovered Thought Field Therapy.

Today we're going to cover the first type of subconscious resistance.

There is some upside or...

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Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Resources

Uncategorized Feb 29, 2012


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is an incredibly simple and effective tool based on the meridian system, which are energy pathways in the body, originating in Chinese Medicine thousands of years ago. Along the meridians, there are points that can be stimulated to move energy or remove blockages.

With remarkable consistency, EFT can relieve symptoms by tapping with the fingertips on a series of points on the body that correspond to acupuncture points on the meridians. Where there is an imbalance, there is a corresponding blockage in the flow of energy through the pathway, which can contribute to emotional and physical symptoms. The tapping works to release the blockages and maintain a healthy flow of energy again.

Here are a few good resources to give you a feel on the positive effect EFT can have.


Click here to Learn how to use the Emotional Freedom Technique for yourself with my fun Tapping Girl card.


The Promise of Energy Psychology
My favori...

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